If the handful of people who read my little reviews have been wondering what I've been up to I have been very busy. Mostly I've been writing, along with my usual procrastination. However, what I've been working on has been very good.
Firstly, I'm glad to say that my winging and shouting has finally payed off. I was recently contacted by the talented Susie McBeth of A Twin Adventure to be a guest writer for her new website: NerdLikeYou.com. So far I've written a few articles for the site, including my review of Halo 4 if you've been looking for it here. In fact, you will most likely find most of my new reviews there, though I do intend to write more spoiler filled reviews here when I have the time to keep the blog alive. For now, expect a more spoilerific Halo 4 review soon.
In other news, I've been surprisingly busy with other writing projects, including Refuge, but have kinda hit a bit of a wall and have taken the week off to charge my batteries and get some actual work done. One of those things is teaching myself some 3D modeling and animation. I've recently gotten into 3D Animation after taking a course at college that I loved. It was amazing how much I already knew about animation from my geeky tinkerings and obsessive viewings of Pixar movie special features.
I got so into it that I had even decided to change my major from English Literature to Computer Simulation. However, bureaucratic red tape is keeping me from actually going about this. However, I have settled to continue with my English Lit degree and then study Computer Simulation afterward. Hopefully I don't go nuts from all the school but I'm certain my passion will keep me going.
I think that's about it for the update, as you can see I've been a busy bee, and I have all of you awesome readers to thank for that!
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